I'm Still in Shock


So, my husband and I had tried for 4 years now to add another member to our little family. The only pregnancy we managed was one chemical pregnancy a couple years ago. Then I just wasn't starting my AF, and she said it was because I wasn't ovulating. So we started me on Provera, and a couple months ago we started metformin.

I haven't had my AF since November 12th, and we held off on the provera until we took care of another medical issue that happened "down there". She finally tells me to go ahead and test and if it was negative to start the provera. I did my 10 days and four days later I had an overwhelming urge to test.

Due to me taking the Provera and in the middle of my vaccine shots, I immediately called the midwife team. They sent me in to get a blood test, which came back at 18 on 5/21. Then again that following Monday, which went up to 77. I'm to go in tomorrow for my 3rd test, and once the levels are high enough we get to go in for an ultrasound to see how far along we are and hopefully get to see our miracle bean.

My two boys were also rainbow babies, and I was giving up hope for this little miracle.

These tests were from the Sunday after my first positive test.