
Last night, I got out of bed to go to the bathroom... and GUSH! Blood ran down both my legs & a big jelly like blob was in my hand. We rushed to the er where they took 2 vials of blood & did an ultrasound. According to the dates of my LMP & this app, I'm 7 weeks 3 days, but according to her measurements last night, I was 8weeks exactly. The tech was shocked to see a heart beat. 149bpm. Everything looked good. No reason they could find for the bleeding. My lab work came back fine, all my levels were good. So now I'm just freaking out because nobody can tell me WHY this happened, but everything appeared to be fine... that's concerning. The ONLY thing different with the pregnancy is I'm on 200mg of progesterone. Could that have anything to do with this? I've NEVER had this happen before. I can't go through another miscarriage... I don't think I could handle it. I just want to stay hooked up to an ultrasound machine for the next 4 weeks!