I can't believe it!!!!

How is this for a story- today was our Fertility appointment we have been waiting close to a year to discuss <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> (I have endometriosis and PCOS),

We have been trying for just over 6 years.

This morning We got up at 5am, drove 4 hours to the town and while we were wasting time till the appointment itself we went to the shopping mall near the clinic. As soon as I stepped in I was just so nauseated by smells, like every shop in the mall smelt so strong and off putting

So something tells me to just take a test so I grab the only one in the nearby pharmacy and head off to the public toilet and I swear I nearly fell over

I ran straight to my hubby who still can't believe it.

We are both in absolute shock. 6 years of trying and I'm finally pregnant!!!

And right before the fertility appointment- we couldn't cancel and ended up going in anyway and explaining the story and they were just as shocked.

I did blood tests today so we will wait to see

But i just had to tell someone 😁😁😁😁