Boyfriend slept over another girl’s house..

Last night my boyfriend went out with his friends as usual to a restaurant where they drink and eat. It was his two guy bestfriends and a girl. I always tell him that I want him texting me where he is when it’s late at night and to at least tell me when he got home (of course for safety reasons). I was tired and fell asleep at like 12 last night. I wake up this morning at 6 to see he’s at the girl’s house he went out with last night (I have his location and he has mine for safety purposes).

I call him to ask where he is and he says “I never got home”

i say “so where are you ?”

He says “by the park”

I say “.. that still doesn’t tell me where you are..”

He finally says “i’m at *****’s house”

Instantly i got upset because why is he sleeping over her house ? I asked to which he replied that one of his guy bestfriends got wasted. Explaining to me that he got to the restaurant in that friends car. I don’t understand why he’s at her house still though just because even if it’s his friends car, he would usually drive him home and drop him off then just walk home since his house is 2 blocks away from his friends. I just am not understanding why he’s there and why he didn’t just straight forward tell me he was at her house. i’m upset about it but am I overreacting ? He’s still at her house and I haven’t spoken to him anymore since then. I’m not trying to fight while he’s still at her house because I hate causing a scene and fighting in general, but I am still upset .

*** UPDATE ***

I talked to him about it and asked “so why didn’t you tell me ?”

He responded “i did”

I said “no, I had to keep asking to get you to tell me”

He said “i was still going to tell you, i was going to tell you that day”

I don’t really know what to believe because anyway I asked him repeatedly and I got my answer so I don’t really know if he really would of. We discussed it though and he told me everything that happened that night.

I happened to go out with him and his friends the next day actually to a mall where we all ate and talked. That night was even brought up and everything my boyfriend told me adds up to what they all said. I’m just hoping it’s all true rather than him possibly telling them i was upset and them just saying what I want to hear. He’s always been good to me and he’s never done anything suspicious or anything to hurt my feelings but this did really upset me. He knows how upset it got me and even though he spoiled me at the mall to “make it up to me”, this is definitely not something I let just slide which he knows.

My boyfriend slept in a separate room with his guy friend and the girl slept in her bedroom with her boyfriend.

It doesn’t seem so bad but I just wished he would’ve told me that night rather than me waking up and seeing he’s at her house at 6 am to then ask him and him not being direct.

I continuously ask him to text me his whereabouts when he’s out late and i’m asleep. He usually doesn’t and always says “it’s because you’re sleeping” and I always say “I don’t care if I’m sleeping, just send me a message. It takes 30 seconds, it’s not that hard.” I really just hope he starts doing it now because i’ve asked him to do this a couple times before and he wouldn’t.