Birth Control or No?

Hey girls, looking for some advice. I currently have one baby (8 months) it took us 2 1/2 years to conceive her and fertility meds (due to PCOS).

I started taking oral birth control when she was about 8 weeks. During that time I gained 10lbs (I had already lost all my baby weight 😡) and am the most miserable person ever!

We want to have a couple more children, and planned on starting to try when she turned a year or a year and a half.

I’m not really feeling being on birth control right now because of how it makes me feel, I’m just not nice to be around. But our current house is not set for 2 babies, we plan on moving in 6-12 months.

Do you think I should continue? Or just chance it? I know people can get pregnant super easy after their first but I also know it can take years, which makes me think I should just stop.

Idk looking for an outsiders advice!