Covid-19 Vaccine and Period 😩😵‍💫🤦🏽‍♀️


Okay so I got my COVID-19 vaccine after originally fighting it on May 15th and was expecting my period on the 20th so almost 11 days ago. I tried turmeric, fruit and vegetable homemade juices, cranberry juice, a heating pad, and just about anything else you can think of( Although I’m not on birth control) and nothing helped. I had all the cycle symptoms and no period, so I took a test and it was negative but I had seen people on TikTok express the same symptoms over multiple weeks to even mo the without their period! I got my period today which is for 6 days but then I have my second Pfizer vaccine on the 5th of June, will I have to go through this again? Has anybody been through this? Anything is helpful 💖