CD38 - should I test?

Hey all 😊

I messed up my ovulation sticks in May so not 100% sure when I ovulated but going off my cm and BBT it could’ve been any point between 8th and 16th.

I’m now on CD38 and I usually only have a 31-33 day cycle. So quite unusual for this to happen. I’ve got a little bit of thrush (sore but no cottage cheese like cm) so I’ve been preoccupied with sorting that out before I realised it’s already June and I haven’t gotten my period yet!

Wondering if I should test? My OH says he’s noticed that I’ve been really moody over the long weekend and for 2 weeks (last week and week before) I had so much CM (watery) that it was wetting my underwear but I thought that was a sign of AF coming.

I don’t want to get my hopes too high up tbh 😅 want someone to smack me down to reality before I waste a test.