Tribulis terrestris root and ashwagandha


Just wanted to share with you all what my husband will be trying to take for the next few months. Our issue is that he has progressive motile sperm with very few that swim straight (most swim in circles) so we're hoping that taking this together will help our chances. His volume and basically everything else was okay.

I will also be taking pink stork fertility gummies (couldn't hurt) and i bought some ovulation tests to help track.

We've been ttc since the end of 2017 and have not seen one positive test. I'm hoping that it is in Gods will to bless us with a baby. I have a beautiful blessing who is 9.5 years old from a previous relationship. I would love to be blessed with another. Please ladies, pray for us as we continue our journey. You are all so strong and wonderful. We are all in this together ❤❤❤