Need ideas to help husband


TMI warning: medically graphic

Five weeks ago my husband went into urgent care after almost a month of increasing rectal pain and difficulty urinating. The doctor told him he had a mild internal hemmorhoid and was probably constipated. He was given hydrocortisone cream and told to use stool softeners. He took the next two days off work to use magnesium citrate to clear any blockage and has since taken daily inulin fiber supplements and miralax. He has cut out all processed foods and eats whatever whole foods we have prepared ourselves(lean meat, small amounts of healthy fats/oils, and plenty of produce). He also uses enemas every time he has a bowel movement to ease the pain of passing stool. He has very odorous mucus, and what appears to be pus, passing with his stool. He has pain with orgasm. And he continues to have difficulty urinating and never feels like he completely empties his bladder.

Is this a normal experience with hemmorhoids? I doubt it. I can't find anything online associated with hemmorhoids that suggests it is, but I've never personally dealt with them before.. I'm concerned about prostate issues, but the doctor did a rectal exam, with a speculum...I can't imagine he didn't check his prostate. But he didn't order a urinalysis or any bloodwork to check for infection or anything I'm really unsure about what to do. Also, my husband has an incredible pain tolerance, and I've spent most of my working life in the medical field and care for most of our non-prescription/non-surgical needs myself; when he sees a doctor, he really needs help.

I have told my husband to go back to urgent care. He is from Samoa and is ESL. While his conversational English is excellent, he is easily intimidated when dealing with medical issues and doesn't always communicate or advocate for himself effectively. Because of covid, I can't go with him, as our urgent care doesn't allow non-patients. I plan on sending him with a list of symptoms, so nothing is missed. Any ideas of questions to ask?