Do you think this is sketchy

My bf has been acting super weird for the past 10 days. Well we don’t live close by so it’s not like I can check up on him.

He’s been avoiding me a lot. I asked him at one point why he was ignoring me and he sent me pictures of him at work. I felt bad for asking and just said it was fine. I just felt like he was ignoring me

So last night, I had 4 missed calls at 11:40pm. I was asleep and didn’t realize he had called. He called again at 8am before I woke up. I had 3 other missed calls. I woke up at 8:30pm. He told me that last night he got into a an accident. He didn’t specify but I’m assuming a car accident? When I was talking to him, he hung up on me half way and said “I gotta go the ref is here”

I have no idea what ref is. He called me again around his lunch time like 3pm. He was telling me he loves me and just talking about my day. So I asked him what ref meant? He just said nothing don’t worry about my mess. It doesn’t matter where I was or what I did.

So right now at 9:34pm I had a missed call. I was showering. At 10:15pm, another missed call. I was blow drying my hair and packing my lunch for work. I texted him to ask what was going on. He just replied by saying “I’m so hot”

I sent a question mark. He replied and said “I’ll beat up any mother fuck that crosses my path right now”

So I called and it went to voicemail. My texts were now being sent as green messages instead of iMessage. He either blocked me or turned his phone off. I texted again at 10:45pm saying “is your phone off or what’s going on? Where are you?” No reply at all. His phone goes straight to voicemail.

What can this be!! Is he cheating on me

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