Is it wrong to do this ?

My toddler who is going to be 3 this month has tantrums so bad sometimes that I genuinely don't know what to do. Sometimes they just don't stop no matter how many deescalating tactics I use , no matter how many hugs I give , no matter how many time I try. They get so bad that when I try to just ignore he will follow me , screaming directly in my face. Grabbing me , climbing me , just to scream in my face and will not stop for sometimes 20 minutes. I feel myself reaching my limit , I get so angry just from the pure loud noise I can't take it. I go in my bedroom and I close the door. He screams outside the door for about 10 minutes and then calms down I ask him if he's ready to join me and he does.

Is this wrong ? I only do this if I have exhausted everything else. I have sensory processing issues and having someone scream in my face and grab me is too much for me sometimes. I just need the space. Is this a really bad approach? And if it is I'm open to suggestions. I follow a lot of gentle parenting pages and have tried every tactic.