


I took a clear blue test telling me how many weeks I am it came up saying I was 3-4 weeks but on the instructions that means I am 5-6 weeks I don’t understand so am I five to six weeks ?

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Pregnancy term start the day of you last period but you won’t test positive till you about to start you next so technically week of missed period is 2 week but 4 week into your pregnancy does that make sense? Lol.


Kaylamarie • Jun 2, 2021
When it comes up on the test “3-4” it’s telling you, that you are 3-4 weeks from when you ovulated. It doesn’t count the additional 2 weeks of when you were on your period. In other words yes you are 5-6 weeks. You have to add the 2 weeks that clear blue didn’t count for your period


Molly • Jun 2, 2021
Not really this is my first pregnancy


Posted at
You mean 2-3? Clear blue doesn’t say 3-4.. it says 3+, plus you always add to weeks on to those numbers


Bee • Jun 2, 2021
Yes- you date your pregnancy from day of last period. So yes, 4-5 weeks


Molly • Jun 2, 2021
So does that make me -4-5 weeks if it says 2-3


Posted at
It is just saying that ovulation occurred 3-4weeks ago. Doctors go by the first day of your last period...which is usually two weeks before ovulation. So you might 5-6weeks. Those indicators have issues. I'd go by the first day of your last period as how far you are not the test if that doesn't seem right.