Af finally showed her ugly head

Amanda • Mother of two wonderful boys and a beautiful little girl.

Woke up this morning and BAM! Af showed finally. I’m not really cramping in my belly as much as in my side and lower back. Like I was the day I went to the ER... since the Saturday BEFORE I went actually. These cramps radiate up my entire right side. They’ve already ruled out appendicitis. An af cause pain like that too?! If so, that’s a whole new one for me!! Like the pain in my side is fairly moderate. (Just bad enough I feel the need to lie down to take pressure off my back, maybe take some ibuprofen.) When I went to the ER last week they said I had a bladder infection. Well the way I’m hurting, I’m wondering if it’s not a kidney infection. I mean they put me on an antibiotic for it, and it should have treated it. But I don’t feel like it did. 🥺 idk if it’s that or af. I’m just sick of hurting...