Would you tolerate this in a long term partner

Ive been with my bf for about 6 years and this has been going on for a while. He wasn’t this way initially.

I don’t know what is going on. 2 weeks ago, we got into a huge argument. He didn’t text me and had me blocked for one entire week.

After one week he reached out and called literally 87 times!!! I picked up to let him know I wouldn’t tolerate being ignored. He begged and begged saying he was sorry but that he was beyond mad. I told him that anyone that goes that long clearly doesn’t care about you or has another gjrl. He got so mad I was accusing him. He said he’s been home at work and just playing video games. He’s 24!

Well last night, don’t know what happned. He sent me a random text saying he was angry. He said “I can’t stand this shit. I’m heated the fuck up” when I didn’t answer, he called 3 times. I had my phone charging so I didn’t answer. I tried calling back and texting but no answer. I called again this morning to see what was going on and I’m blocked again wtf. I’m not blocked on Instagram or other social media. I’m scared to send him a message.

I don’t want to exagerate but this is really mentally damaging me. I swear that I feel like I am running out of breathe. I feel so anxious idk why I feel this way

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