Am I envious of other people?

Do I envy other people? Yes. I do. I had told my mom I was moving out to live with my boyfriend’s sister (Whom I’ve never really interacted with at that) because my job was close by. My mom and I had made a deal that if I wanted to move back within the next 6 months my room would be waiting for me. When I moved in, we talked about the rules of the house, hers and mine. Not too long after that she’d broken one of mine so I called a meeting. She seemed to understand the words coming out of my mouth. Not too long after that she broke another one. Pretty soon her boyfriend was practically living there and then she moved him in without my knowledge or any notice. Couple days after I was told I had to move out by my boyfriend. Apparently his sister went to their mother saying things like her boyfriend was uncomfortable with what I wore around the house. I wear what I have and what I’m comfortable in and it’s really hard to wear what you want when her boyfriend practically lives there. I’d wear a robe, a tank top and shorts, just normal stuff that I’m comfortable in. My boyfriend’s mother convinced him to convince me to move out because they were supposedly getting married (Which they still to this day haven’t but that’s a story for another time). So I move back home. I have no job for awhile and I can’t live with my boyfriend so I don’t get disowned by my parents. I’ve done everything I’ve been asked and still can’t have my room back. I’m 20, sleeping on my parents couch, no privacy, all my stuff out in the living room for anyone to steal. All for my mother to have her “nail room” where she stores her wine, mini fridge, and extra nail stuff (Even though she does nails in the living room right next to the couch I sleep on). I don’t have friends and have no where else to go until I save enough for an apartment. I refuse to leave my new job because it’s the most nontoxic environment I’ve ever been in. So when I say I’m envious of other people, I am. They don’t have to go through half the stuff I do and still have to pretend to be strong.

Though I really don’t see how anyone could possibly give useful advice, I hope you will 🙂