HSG today


After 5 failed <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>'s and 2 missed HSGs (because my cyclus is unfortunately getting shorter and it always was 24 days to begin with and we didn't want to flush out my egg) I finally had my HSG today.

The test was quite painful but short enough. After I got home I felt fine and thought it was over, not knowing that the pain during the test wasn't it. I got cramps around dinner time, but so severe that I was sweating, vomiting and I could only toss and turn and moan for several hours. I couldn't keep painkillers down because of the vomiting. My belly is all swollen and painful, but the cramps are back to a minimum now.

❤️🙏 The good news is that both of my fallopian tubes were open and clear and I received the oil treatment that increases fertility for 3 months! ❤️🙏

I just placed my ovitrelle shot on doctors orders, while I usually don't use hormones during the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> traject.

Friday my sixth and final <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. After this treatment my 44th birthday is coming up and all hospitals in my country draw the line there.

🙏 I am hoping, praying, begging for this insemination to be the one. Please, we really would love to have a child. It will be our first and after 8,5 years of trying to conceive, never being late, we are ready to receive the beautiful gift of having a family! 🎁💜

Baby dust is welcome! Ladies, I hope we all have our dreams come true. Sending you lots of love, luck and baby dust!