Dental stuff maybe

So when I was 15 a dentist removed one of my teeth in the back and the government assistance my grandpa had wouldn't cover a bridge which is why I think my teeth have shifted so much.. but it's not just my teeth it's my whole jaw that seems to be crooked... The most annoying part is that off and on since I was about 19 to now at almost 24 I have felt the pressure and sometimes pain it brings from what I think is the shifting happening and my teeth used to be pretty straight.... In person it's not very noticeable especially since I never show my teeth. But some days it just feels awful and idk how to go about this since the last time I went to a dentist was at 18 and an actual doctor at 15 so idk if it's strictly a dental issue or if I would actually have to get surgery or something to fix the crookedness.. I've never been to a dentist for cosmetic type things which this might be labeled as so idk I just need some info maybe from someone who has also gone through this?? Anything helps, thank you in advance.

Ps. I also know I grind my teeth in my sleep so that is also an issue..