Covid shot #2 side effects

LB • 👸🏼 2010 👼🏼 12/2017 👼🏼 3/2019 👼🏼 10/2020 👼🏼 3/2022 🧫🧪IVF Round 3 - 5/2022 Chasing our 🌈✨

I got my 2nd dose of Pfizer yesterday around 11am. Felt totally fine with the first shot and the first 16 hours after the 2nd shot. Just a sore arm both times.

But I woke up at 2am with fever, body aches, and a splitting migraine. It’s now 7:40pm (32 hours after the shot and 17 hours after symptoms started) and I still feel awful. My fever has hovered around 101 off and on all day. My migraine is now just a headache, but physically I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. I don’t even want to move. Been pushing water, Gatorade, and Tylenol all day.

Did this happen to anyone else? At what point should I be concerned? I haven’t felt this bad in YEARS and it’s freaking me out. 😫 My husband got his yesterday too and other than some fatigue and minor body aches, he feels fine. So of course I feel like I’m being dramatic but YALL! I legit cannot move 😭😭😭