First apartment stressed, adult life sucks

I signed my lease & paid the first month’s rent on my new apartment!

I’m moving to be closer to my school because commuting everyday to my university would take me at least 2+ hours & I thought it’d be easier to just move

And I’m really second guessing everything because it’s all so expensive, and I’m paying for my own school too, I just feel overwhelmed

It’s for sure that I’m moving down (July 1) but I have to purchase furniture (only a small couch and a dining table set, and a bunch of other small things) and my rent is more expensive because of the utilities & more

It’s in Chicago so of course it’s expensive but I just don’t know if I can do it anymore

It’s $1310, plus $95 for utilities, & then I have to account for the electric and renters insurance every month too so it’s just so much I don’t think I can do it anymore

Why is everything so expensive? Should I have just bit the bullet and stayed at home & commuted??

I know this is a huge part of transitioning into adult life but I feel so overwhelmed and just want to be OK

I’m so frugal w my money, & I never ever have fun

I have tickets to go skydiving on Sunday because it was planned & I really want to go but I feel like I should cancel so I can save the extra $200+ for my new place and stuff but I don’t know what to do

Please give me some advice I feel completely drained