

I’d just like to start off by saying that I’m sorry for posting on here. I just don’t know where else to ask and I was hoping someone here might be able to give me advice.

A few months ago, at the end of the 3rd quarter, I was really stressed out about school. I started having what my friends have decided to call “day terrors.” I would have nightmares in the middle of the day, while I was wide awake, unfold right in front of me.

*TRIGGER WARNING (violence)*

For example, I saw a burglar slit my mom’s throat and her fall to the floor and bleed out right beside me. I blinked and it disappeared. I saw the shape of a burglar in a closet, but blinked and it disappeared. I saw a car on the wrong side of the road about to collide with us, but blinked and it went away. I don’t remember much else about them, or any other ones I had, because my brain pretty much erases things that terrible.

These disappeared for a little while, and about a month ago they resurfaced as little events. For example, I was airdropping pictures back and forth with a friend of mine. Cue lunch, and I feel my phone buzz. It’s an airdrop from her, and I look around me to see where she’s sitting. When I look back, it’s gone. Later I asked her where in the cafeteria she sat, come to find out she does not have lunch in the cafeteria (half of people have it in the gymnasium) AND she has lunch B (I have lunch A). She was across the entirety of two buildings, from which distance she could not have possibly sent an airdrop. Another example is when I made a coffee. I got the cup, the k-cup, and left it to brew. When the sound of it dripping finished, I got off of the couch and went to get it. It wasn’t there, because apparently I had never made it (my sister was in the kitchen and she swore she didn’t touch anything. She got in there about at the time I went to sit down and I never saw her go anywhere close to it). Another example happened when my dad told me to bring a box downstairs. I did, and when we went to leave he asked where it was. I told him I brought it down, but it wasn’t in front of the door where I had left it. I went back upstairs and it was in the same exact place, untouched.

I didn’t tell either of my parents about this but recently I mentioned it to my sister. I just had a check-up and when the doctor took me to another room I told her about it. She thinks it’s from stress, and she told me to try a meditation app. I’ve been looking for one, but they all cost money for subscriptions, so if you have any ideas about meditation and apps like that please let me know. She also told me to talk to a counselor to alleviate stress and that if the episodes become a pattern I need to talk to her.

Later, it dawned on me that it might become an issue if when I start driving I have hallucinations and cause an accident. I’m trying to convince my parents to teach me how to drive, since I’m old enough to have a license but I don’t even have my temps. I figured that since I’m going to try to learn I should do what I’ve been dreading and tell my mom. My parents are ridiculously religious, by the way. She clearly didn’t grasp that I was not talking about daydreams, and the conversation was awful.

She just made me repeat everything to my dad, and they went on a tangent about how it’s my fault because I drink too much coffee. They also said that the cream I used for a staph infection and the dropper medicine I used for a scratch in my ear must have had side effects. The time I used these weren’t even close to the time of the incidents, by the way. They closed the conversation by saying I just need prayer, and I just don’t even know what to say. They’re finding everything to blame that I can feel has nothing to do with it, but they don’t believe me. The doctor said it’s likely from stress, which I told them and they don’t believe. I don’t know what do do.

The whole reason I didn’t want to tell them is because my mom thinks I’m a hypochondriac and my dad doesn’t really believe in the idea of mental health (I don’t even know how to describe his view). I’m just lost. Does anyone know what this could be and what I could say to them?