Pregnant maybe?

So.. my boyfriend has been going inside me ever since May 17th I want to say and he did every day that week and still does till this day well some time this week I believe or over the weekend I spotted a little and then the day after saw blood in the toilet and wiped and blood on the toilet paper and then again the next day nothing and haven’t bleed since but been cramping on and off all week and discharging like crazy ive been testing cause my period is in 3 days now and every test has been negative so is there a possibility I could be pregnant? This would be my first time so I have NO CLUE as to what’s going on but its definitely unusual for my body cause usually a week before my period my boobs are sore which they haven’t been and I don’t cramp until the day of my period and when it actually starts so I don’t know.. any advice or theories and nice comments only please 😅