Tmi.. toilet paper build up

okkk so i wanna start this by saying I AM CLEAN🤣i wash every day. buttt a few days ago i noticed my clitoris was very sensitive and hurt whenever my s/o tried touching down there. i kinda just brushed it off until i decided to really look down there because it kept happening. at first i didn’t see anything until i really spread it open and saw what i thought at first was discharge. i then touched it and realized it was (i think) toilet paper? and it was DEEP in there like downnnn in the folds of the top part of the clitoris. i hopped in the shower and tried flushing it out and even tried cleaning with a q tip. i got most of it out but i think there’s still a little left really deep in there. idek what could’ve caused this.. cheap toilet paper maybe? should i be worried about an infection?