How do you cope?


How do you cope with the desire to have a infant in your arms? I have had three miscarriages since I had my son (who will be 5 in august). The doctors say they can’t understand why I have had miscarriages there’s never been a explanation. Every check and test come back fine. The relationship I was in a year ago failed because it was just too much heartache and instead of focusing on what the depression was doing to our relationship we both just kept falling further and further apart till we split up. He has since found someone and I’m beyond happy for him he was a really good man, I have met someone whom I adore deeply but I worry because of the miscarriages of the past if we will make it through that type of heartache. My new partner has expressed that he wants a child in the future (at least 1 more) seeing he has twins that live with him full time and a daughter he gets to see regularly and myself having my son full time and my daughter I get every other weekend (she wanted to live with dad so I made my daughter happy no ill will me and her father and step mom go above and beyond to make my daughter happy it’s a great co-parenting relationship) so I of course feel the same and the more I express to my therapist about it all the more I am understanding that it’s the desire the “baby fever” if you will, that I’m longing for. I just I am having a hard time coping and believing that one day I will be able to hold one last blessing that was given to me and be able to provide a family for what ever man I end up with permanently. Sorry this is so long I just am having a hard time with all of this and it’s weighing heavy on me today...