What Should I Do? Doctor Troubles

Hello. I’m pregnant with my 3rd and final child. I made it clear from the first appointment that I did NOT want another vagina birth. I was told in the very beginning that I would have the option.

My first two births were vaginal and extremely difficult. I tore both times and needed quite a bit of stitches. My first birth was long and tedious (7years ago). My second birth (1.5 years ago) was more traumatic. My baby got stuck and I was in severe amount of pain and they ended up getting him out with the vacuum suction cup. It also ended up fracturing my tailbone and again, causing massive ripping.

I tried to bring up my birth plan at my last visit as I’m now passed the halfway mark, I want to get the details rolling. I was told that I most likely wouldn’t be able to have a c-section as I’ve had two “successful” vaginal births and they wouldn’t perform a c-section.

I cried. I was told in the beginning it wouldn’t have been a problem. I honestly wouldn’t have even tried for a 3rd baby if I knew I would have to go through with another vaginal birth. I just cannot do it. It gives me anxiety just thinking about it. What should I do?

Should I stick to my guns? Find a new doctor? I’m not sure anymore ☹️

ETA: Thank you for your responses. I’d like to address something someone mentioned in the comments (thank you for that by the way); I’m not asking for advice or opinions on my birth-plan. It’s my birth-plan for a reason. So please stop. I honestly don’t care whether you think I should have a c-section or not. I’ve done an extensive amount of research, am giving birth in one of the best hospitals in the country (for L&D), and have talked to a wide variety of women who went through c-sections, including my sister who just recently had one at the same hospital. My last birth was so bad, the injury to my tailbone led me to be unable to get out of bed for two months. I needed help getting in and out of bed just to use the bathroom. I could barely hold my baby.

I’m asking here if I should change my doctor. So please no more unasked opinions about my birth-plan.