Chemical - need advice

Ca 🤍

Looking for some advice (sorry if this is long)

I just got the call that I am having a chemical. This was my second round of <a href="">IVF</a>. First retrieval we had only 2 embryos which we transferred on day 3- that cycle failed. My second retrieval we got 4 embryos. 1 looked “great”, another was an early blastocyst and the other 2 were slow growing at day 5. We transferred the 2 blastocysts. My first beta was 8dp and was 97. Second beta on 12dp was only 252. Today was 15dp and beta is down to 130. I am going for another beta on Saturday to see where the hcg is going.

Because I have never had embryos make it to freeze I will have to do another retrieval. Has anyone started the next <a href="">IVF</a> retrieval cycle immediately with the very next period? If my beta continues to go down this quick they think I will be close to 0 next week. Based on my last cycle I expect my period to start next week as well. I will need insurance approval but I already have enough meds left from before to start if approved fast enough.

If you did a retrieval cycle right away was it successful? Should I take the month off and try with my next cycle in July?

Also, would anyone recommend any additional work up? I’ve had the basics done including carrier screen.

I’m 39, husband is 43. I have low AMH and DOR, we also have MFI. I’m definitely feeling the pressure due to our ages. For me time is of the essence as we would like to have at least 2 children. Any advice or recommendations would be super helpful!