Chemical pregnancy

So I just got the news my hcg didn’t rise 60% it actually decreased. This was my first ever positive so I guess I got to excited to soon. I’m trying to see the bright side of things like YOU ACTUALLY GOT pregnant. But it’s hard. I felt like after clomid, a trigger shot and progesterone suppositories this had to be it. Did I do something wrong ? Will this keep happening? I did 2 rounds of <a href="">iui</a> 2 years ago and took a break. This is the first round with all these meds. My dr said we are going to do aspirin and steroids next time. Can anyone tell me what to expect ? Also I am stopping the suppositories today so how long until I get my period ? Will it be horrible ? Or normal ? My emotions are all over the place like why do I feel such a loss I feel like I wasn’t pregnant that long so I’m being ridiculous.