Continuing high intensity workouts?

Alexis 💙

I’ve heard conflicting things regarding exercise in pregnancy. My doctor said so long as I’ve been doing something, it’s safe to continue.

That being said, I workout 6 days a week:

3x a week I do intervals of running/sprints on a treadmill with floor exercises/weights. Typically 1-3 minute intervals for 45 mins, weights 15-25lbs, if I’m sprinting the treadmill is maxed out at 12.4

Once a week I do heavy lifting, sled push, pull-ups and box jumps. Anywhere from 90-150lbs (I’m a 5’ human if this doesn’t sound heavy)

Once a week I do floor exercises/weights for 45 mins without the cardio

And then I run 3-6 miles depending how I’m feeling every weekend.

I’ve just discovered I’m (finally) pregnant with my rainbow after a loss at 16 weeks and a chemical, so I guess I’m a little extra anxious about what I should or shouldn’t do... any athletic moms out there want to share their experience with how their workouts changed?

(There’s a girl in my 3x a week interval class who was sprinting max speed up til the day before she gave birth, but she’s also insanely fit so I don’t necessarily want to follow her lead)

Thanks! 💛✨