What happens if you get hit by a bus?


My confusion with healthcare in South Carolina continues.

When they called to confirm my appointment for next week the lady asked for my insurance information (not weird), so that they could have my benifiets ready for me when I get there.(???)

When I told her I didn't know what that means she explained that it is a bill from the hospital for the birth that you are expected to pay at 28 weeks.

Huh? How? What? She only asked me if I was planning vaginal or c-section and nothing else.

When I explained this to my husband his response was, What happens if you get hit by a bus?

While this is a shocking way to ask this question, I agree with it, what if i go into labor out of town, or something happens to the hospital?

Do they submit this to insurance 12 weeks early or is it an estimate? How does this work?