How long did you have to wait for your SO to want a child...


A little tiny back story.. my fiancé and I lost our son Kane at 39 weeks in 2018... it’s been 3 years. We’re in such a better place mentally, financially that I think it would be nice to start trying for our rainbow 🌈 .. we’ve been together 7 years and with those 7 years I was never on birth control all we have been doing it the pull out method.. I had my son then 2 miscarriages following.. I’m starting to worry since my fiancé wants to wait to try... but you’d think 7 years with no protection I should of been pregnant especially now.. and I’m scared it will take us awhile to even get pregnant. It breaks my heart he doesn’t want what I want rn and I just want to cry because I’ve just been longing to be a mother and 3 years later I still have empty arms.

Has anyone been threw this? With your SO not wanting a child the same time as you? Can you please give me advice on how to go about it...

Thank you guys!🥺

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