Should we name both boys with K? (please read description first)

We currently have a son named Kyler. We used to think we’d name all boys with a K. My husband’s favorite boy name even before we met was Creed, but he said we could change it to a K spelling to go with Kyler. We also have our first girl name picked, and it starts with H. It has special significance and we just love it, so it is not debatable. We hope to have 3-4 kids. We’re stuck on whether to keep the K spelling for boys because if we have 2 boys and 1 girl, we don’t want her to feel “left out” or it to seem weird that she doesn’t have a K name. If we have more than 1 girl, there’s not another H name we like or can use because of family or close friends with those names (I’m not asking for suggestions, we’ve seriously been through them all.) I thought it would be cute for our girl names to end the same and our boys to begin the same, but a very close friend just named their dog our 2nd possible girl name, so we’re kind of iffy about it now.

So anyway, should we keep the K for our boys and just have it not be consistent, or should we spell it Creed and not have any matching letters. We also had lots of Kyler’s things monogrammed with just K so that our other boy(s) could use them, so that’s why I’m a bit reluctant to not have more K names.

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