
My in laws made me feel pretty shabby last night about my weight. I’ve always had a hard time loving myself because of it. I’ve always watched what I ate, or bullied myself till I was depressed and didn’t eat. Stressed myself out till the point I wasn’t hungry so I’d eat once a day and finally be at my weight goal. Anyways, this is my third baby, and it’s my first girl. I’m only 17 weeks but I’ve gained 10lbs but it’s super hard for me to see the scale go up. However, I do eat, I eat when I’m hungry. They pretty much ambushed me, telling me to take their food, I needed to eat, I don’t even look pregnant, and that I’m too worried about my weight. Which I’ve finally said fuck it because I’ve been lucky enough to “snap back” each time since I’m young. I was finally becoming happy and they ruined it for me. I don’t want to force myself to eat a crap ton, I’m already considered “overweight” by the BMI chart. I was completely okay with my body and how it was handling this pregnancy, but now I’m eager to have a bump. I feel her move everyday, so I know she’s okay. I also see doctors every two weeks and get ultrasounds because of our loss at 18w, which is a year June 30th. Mommas of multiples, when did you “pop?” I feel horrible. I just want to look pregnant.