Feeling alone

OK I just need to get some thing off my shoulders. My husband has never gotten up during the night to help take care of a baby. My children are no longer breast-feeding, my youngest is nine months old. I have gone this entire past week on about two hours of sleep at night because I’ve been fighting a bug, and my youngest has not been sleeping good. My husband still somehow find time every single weekend to take anywhere from a two to a six hour nap, asks me to rub his feet, and when I am absolutely exhausted and feel like I can’t take it anymore I snap.

This week in particular has stressed me out so much, I am absolutely exhausted, and this morning my husband woke up early, got himself ready, shoved down the breakfast I made, and then took off to go skydiving all day. He left me with a sick and teething nine-month-old, a two-year-old that is also going through a lot developmentally, and an absolutely exhausted wife.

I was supposed to go with him today and do my first skydiving jump but I don’t like the idea of leaving my sick babies with a babysitter, to go do something fun for myself. I’m just really struggling, and I know that if I just got some sleep I would feel better, but I need to take a shower, the house is a wreck, and the stress is keeping me from relaxing. 

I’m just going to add as well that I do a good job of communicating to my husband when I need help throughout the week and he’s a great help. Just feels like on the weekend he completely checks out, and I am left alone to continue handling the children and the house and animals and everything, and he just sleeps, smokes weed, watches Netflix, and then goes skydiving all weekend. There’s times I just feel like I’m married to a child.