Need some opinions 😕

My siblings don’t believe my bf is suitable for me. His GPA and grades in undergrad have been not great but he’s trying to pass his comp sci classes as best he can. He occasionally smokes weed and that doesn’t reflect well with my family (and I don’t like it either). I will tell you all he is so sweet and caring that I forget about the negative parts and that’s why I’m still with him.

But another side of me feels unsupported and neglected by family that is disapproving of him and I’m afraid of inviting him over. He was in a car accident, car totaled and has no car right now and not enough money to buy a decent used one. I’m driving us everywhere and on dates and I’m getting kinda tired. He has no car so I can’t ask him to take us out (unless he uses his moms car).

I just feel conflicted at the moment and it’s making me feel alone in the situation and I’m feeling resentful.