How do i tell him

So I found out that I'm pregnant couple days ago before I was suppose to be due on I was feeling unwell and like i did with my first two so I took a test because my first was concived on the implant (different dad) and my second (my now partner) on the pill.. I've been on the pill since I had my lb over a year ago I take it the same time every day I've never missed one because neither myself or my partner wanted anymore I was booked in to have my implant put back in in a few weeks, but now I've found out that I'm pregnant and i have no idea how to tell him or what to do I wouldn't ever consider getting rid because it's obviously such a blessing but im so scared on how to tell him as I dont want him thinking I've missed any pills or anything because his ex used to do that to him but I make my point in showing him u take it every morning in front of him.. please help ladies how do I tell him I would be 4 weeks today according to this app