Ugh this sucks. This is bad

Previously my partner and I have always had great sex

I’m now 8 mths pregnant.

He pushed for me to get pregnant in the first place and start our family.

I’m so big and uncomfortable most of the time as you can imagine being 5” with a giant belly.

When we have sex I try so hard to get into positions that are comfortable but I struggle. He doesn’t put any effort into helping me, and when something causes me pain or I ask not to do something he flips out saying how I’m always complaining and how he doesn’t like having sex with me anymore and he’ll just stop. I spend my days alone doing house chores laundry is always done, dinner is always ready. I’ve taken all my classes alone, set up the nursery mostly alone gone to most of my dr apts alone.

I feel alone and starting to feel like I made a terrible decision starting a family.

I always the thought he was loving and supportive and would be the best husband and father ever.

I’m starting to think I was wrong.

What would you do?