Not sure if this is the right group

I hope I don’t get a lot of hate for this. I’m due July 13 & I smoked my whole pregnancy because it helped with the nausea/vomiting. Yes I tried the medication I was prescribed & that didn’t work. I was so sick that I lost 50ish lbs & have gained only 1 lb until recently. I actually stopped like some weeks ago (33 weeks, currently 36 weeks & 5 days). I stopped because I didn’t want traces of the thc to be found in my system when I give birth. I live in California so it’s legal but I heard if they find thc in ur system when u give birth, they don’t let u breastfeed. I thought maybe since I hadn’t smoked it won’t be in my system but idk what I was thinking. 🤦🏻‍♀️☹️ I’m screwed, aren’t I? Will cps try to take my baby away?