I’m honestly starting to hate my MIL


Would this annoy you or am i being overly sensitive??

So let me start by saying I have always gotten along with my MIL until recently when I have my son.

It started out with her being overbearing and just clueless.

The day I came home from the hospital she invited almost a dozen ppl to my house to meet my son without asking me. Then she continued to show up everyday unannounced whenever she wanted. Finally I put a stop to end and just chalked it up to everyone being excited about the new baby, even though I still think they’re action were rude and careless towards me.

Now yesterday she FaceTime me to see the baby, he was just finishing a bottle and getting ready to sleep. He was up for hours playing and now was exhausted.

So as I’m on the phone with her he starts to cry as I’m repositioning him to lay down in my arms so I can rock him to sleep. He was fussy for less then a minute and was out sleeping a minute later.

She then starts off on a rant about how my son cry’s too much and he is spoiled. I tried to laugh it off and say no he was just to tired, I even turned the phone to show her looks he’s already sleeping.

She then continues on her rant about how no trust me I know he’s so spoiled, she said every time she’s on the phone with my husband FaceTime with him and the baby he cries. I said that’s because he’s a newborn and he doesn’t want to sit and stare at the phone he wants my husband to play with him.

She calls once a day to FaceTime with my husband and the baby and she stays on the phone for over an hour. Now my son is less then 3 months old. My husband will sit the baby on his lap and hold him there while his mom talks to him on the phone.

Again he’s still a newborn I explain to her, he’s not going to sit and talk to you on the phone for an hour, of course he cry’s he gets frustrated with my husband just sitting there and he wants to do something else.

She then continues on her rant about how she knows he’s spoiled and how my SIL never cried as a baby, I’m like oh good for you. Then continues to say how my husband’s niece never cried as a baby and this person never cried and that person never cried.

She just continued to go on and on comparing my son to ever and any baby she’s ever known. I told her I don’t care about anyone else’s kids, my son is a newborn and like every other baby in the world he cries to let you know he needs something. Perfectly normal doesn’t make him spoiled. Period

She continues to tell me I’m wrong and she knows he’s spoiled, so I said to her baby’s cry it’s normal I don’t know how you expect to babysit if you can’t handle the fact that he cry’s.

We’ll then she got pissed and said I’m telling her she doesn’t no how to take care of a baby. I said no I’m telling you if you have an issue with that fact that my son cries then I have an issue leaving him with you…

Which I refuse to do, but my husband keeps pushing the issue that his mom wants to help watch the baby when I go back to work next month and I refuse because of issues like this.

He is literally the happiest baby he’s always smiling and laughing, but he does cry when he’s tired, hungry, cranky but too me that’s perfectly normal for a baby.

Sorry for the long post.. but be honest now ladies, would this have annoyed you too or am I being overly sensitive?