Sent back home in labor….

Kaitlin • Pregnant with my second child!

Scheduled to have a c section this Friday (3 more days) and woke up tonight with contractions every 5 minutes that felt like fire burning my abdomen. Got to the hospital 3 hours later and they were 2-3 minutes apart but I was only at a 1 1/2 cm dilated. Checked me an hour later and I was the same. Sent me home to fucking suffer and I can’t help but feel not cared for. I am currently sitting in the car on the drive home typing this in between contractions which are now 2-3 mins apart and keeps getting stronger. I feel like with every contraction this baby is literally going to fall out of me there’s so much pressure. Just here to vent. My feelings are crushed. Can’t believe they would send me home in so much pain like this 😭