BBT charting


Good morning ladies

I am having such trouble right now... Lol.

- Per BBT I originally thought I had ovulated on June 8th CD 33 (creamy discharge)

- Per OPK I peaked on June 13th, CD 38 (creamy discharge), and as you can tell per the pictures, I went back down.

- But as of June 20th CD 45, I was having tons of watery discharge, but dismissed it.

- On June 21st CD 46, I was still having tons of watery discharge, so I took an OPK. Showed I was at 92% Peak, cervix was HSO. BBT wasn't taken because I had only been a sleep for 2 hours prior to my alarm going off.

- Checked OPK again today with second urine of the day and it showed at 200% peak (OPK on it's own, app wouldn't show newest screenshot), cervix HSC with tons of watery discharge. BBT was definitely elevated compared to previous CD 38-45, so O is confirmed.

I have never been diagnosed with PCOS. I didn't track anything with my our first and when it came to our second, I had just started tracking my BBT mid cycle to find out I was pregnant. So tracking is kind of new to me. I am currently 18 months PP and still partially nursing the 18 month old, so I'm not to concerned with my cycle being long. Just trying to make sense of my BBT, OPK and CM.

Thank you I'm advance for the help ☺️