Rethinking Career

Has anyone else rethought their career since babies and/or covid? I LOVED the company I work for, planned on spending 30 years here and retiring here. And although they let us work from home during the pandemic (which I know many people didn’t have as an option) they started showing a lot of their ‘true colors’ and truthfully, I feel duped. I felt like I signed up for a company with one set of morals and in the past year or so, they’ve completely changed those morals. And I just am struggling to accept it after thinking they were so amazing before and feeling let down.

And also, in the past year I truly found a work/life balance working from home and being able to also care for my son. So now that we’re required to be in the office 5 days a week and we have to rely on my MIL for help (which I’m horrible at relying on people, plus struggle with my MIL) I’m struggling. I feel like what I want and what makes me happy is being with my son, and picking him up from his mornings at daycare. I like cooking and taking care of stuff. Which I never in a million years thought I’d say.

I just struggle because my boss is AMAZING. I will truly never find a better boss, I like the work I do, I’m the insurance provider for the family, we do eventually want a second child and I like bringing in an income. But the 5 days a week in office, hour drive each way, not feeling I can fully care for my son, relying on my MIL. It’s all just becoming….a lot. And I’m so torn on what to do 😭😭

If you made it this far, thanks for listening. Sorry for the rant. I’ve toyed with this for a month and I don’t want to give up insurance and an income. But also, being in the office 5 days a week+ commuting makes me stressed and tired and not happy. I’ve been trying to figure out maybe a remote job, but don’t have the credentials to transfer what I currently do since I’ve been more on the job training for two years+. Any advice? Anyone else feel the same?