

So me and my “boyfriend” have been together over a year I’m currently pregnant with his child but he cheated on me for over 6 months with multiple people and crossed a lot of boundaries so when we got back together I of course had new rules and boundaries for our relationship I don’t want to be controlling so I told him if he’s uncomfortable with any of them we can just end the relationship because I’m not comfortable with a lot of stuff now. He agreed to all of the new rules and boundaries but kept breaking his promises and crossing boundaries since then I kept hoping he’ll change and stop but he didn’t. Soon after I found out about the cheating he started getting physically violent especially over me mentioning other girls or if I mentioned something I wasn’t comfortable with. He also breaks my stuff when he’s mad. I thought he was doing better but this past week he has been so snappy and we have argued so much and it mainly being over things that shouldn’t even matter, but last night he came over took my set of keys that had both of my car keys, and my apartment key on it. He took all my makeup I owned, my ps4 controllers which was for my kids and my dab set (420 friendly lol) he also put a scratch on my car from the front passenger to the back passenger seat: when he left with all my items I threatened to call the cops and when I did that he panicked and threw my keys on the interstate on his way home. For some reason I was going to STILL work things out with him but I’m just so furious every time I think about it. Especially since I asked for him to bring my stuff back tonight and he said he couldn’t so I kind of got pissed and went off on him because now he’s acting like a victim because I yelled at him whenever I’m sitting without a way of going the locksmith will cost $150 and I used my last $30 to order my kids food because I cant get to the store. I’m broke until I get paid Tuesday and I have work and my kids have daycare my kids are bored because he took they’re game controllers we live in an apartment so I usually take them to the park but I can’t do anything or go anywhere. I can’t smoke to calm down because he took my nectar collector and all my makeup. I just need advice or something I’m having a hard time dealing with this and I told him it’s over but even with physical abuse I never stick to it because regardless what people do to me I hate hurting peoples feelings and I do love him