Someone please help me!


Hello! Looking for some advice please my head is literally gone.

Me and my BF have been TTC for 2 years in August, one miscarriage so far and we are currently on the <a href="">IVF</a> waiting list with the NHS. According to my Ovusense I ovulated on Thursday 24th June CD17 and I had a positive OPK on CD 15.

On Wednesday 23rd June, (the day before I ovulated) I had some very light pink bleeding I noticed when I wiped.. though I didn’t think much of this as I was in my fertile window so forgot all about it and put it down to ovulation? Although, I have never had ovulation bleeding before. My bf suggested I take a pregnancy test and I did, even though I knew there was no way as I had a normal period 2 weeks before! I did.. and i feel there’s a line although maybe my mind is playing tricks on me & this is an indent? If anyone could please let me know what they think please as my head it totally gone. I really don’t want to get my hopes up. Here’s a couple of pics of the test. Unedited and edited. Blurred them as TMI to show the light bleed I had also. Any help is appreciated!

Unedited and also some edits.