Horrible nausea and vomiting


So up until today I thought I was 10 weeks along. I went and had my first ultrasound to make sure due date was accurate, and turns out I’m only 6 weeks and 4 days.

I’ve been so excited that my first trimester was almost over because my morning sickness has been HORRIBLE the last couple weeks, but now I’m discouraged that I still have so much more of it to go through😭 I love this little baby and I know it’s such a blessing to me, I don’t regret being pregnant at all, don’t get me wrong!!

I just literally can’t find any ease to this nausea. I’m throwing up constantly, and I can’t eat anything cause literally everything makes me sick thinking about it. I’m just wondering if there is anyone who has any suggestions of what as helped their extreme nausea…

I bought acupressure bands today and those didn’t help… I’ve been trying emetrol but it hasn’t helped. Crackers and ginger ale aren’t helping.. I’ve heard vitamin B6 with Unisom helps but I can’t take that in the mornings cause I work and I don’t want to fall asleep at work so idk???

Please help me get through the next 5-6 weeks of this😭