Negative Nipt - soft markers @ 20 week US


We did and the NIPT testing at 11 weeks to check for the three trisomies because we discussed terminating if there was an issue. We waited for results to come back to tell all family and friends. At our 20 week ultrasound we were referred to an MFM because of medication I take. After the scan we found out there was an EIF bright spot in the heart and a shorter than usual nasal bone. Staff at the specialist suggested we get an amnio but they also couldn’t find our blood test results… I felt a lot of pressure to do an invasive procedure right at that moment (looking at the clock because of our commute to get our toddler from daycare)….I decided not I wanted to double check the blood results first… Second NIPT from a different company also came back all negative or low risk. Still love wondering a little bit if we should do an amnio but I really don’t want to do an invasive procedure especially because I’m supposed to be traveling in three weeks… Any mamas have advice?