Let’s talk


Okay so, I’m married… coming up on two years in November. We had a couple miscarriages and this March i finally got a sticky baby. So… 3 days after i found out i was pregnant, my husband disappeared into the night, like he was forwarding my calls, turning his phone off, completely ignoring me. So before all this, we were living apart and looking for a place… i find a place and I’m calling him so he can see it and give me money. Nothing… so i did it myself like the boss bitch i am, but i didn’t put him on the lease. So fast forward a month and a half… i know he was cheating… I’m no fool, that’s not even my issue, it’s that he calls me at like 1 in the morning, out of the blue and he’s like I’m sorry, i wanna come home and i wanna do this. So… i let him… he comes to my house i made him a sandwich he took a shower and we laid down and went to bed. I felt at peace, but something wasn’t right. So, a day goes by and he’s being super mean to me, he smashed my $1300 iPad, just really being a peace of shit, so i tell him that he can’t be around me. I didn’t want to lose the baby and he was stressing me out. So i made him leave. Now here we are, I’m 15 weeks pregnant and i am 100% done with this relationship. And it’s totally okay. Don’t pity me….i guess what i really want advice on is that i have decided that i will not give my daughter his last name. Married or not, i feel like that is something that is earned and he doesn’t deserve neither one of us, quite frankly. But he is having a heart attack about it and i have made up my mind that i will be giving her my maiden name. Am i wrong?