Round two of letrozole.. and..

Hi all! This is my second round of letrozole. First cycle I took 2.5 mg and ovulated but unfortunately didn’t conceive. This second round I took 5 mg and ovulated and I’m currently about to be 7 DPO. I just wanted to see how many of you ladies got a BFP with the help of letrozole?

I have really tried not to symptom spot.. however.. I do want to mention some things that have been different for me this time around.

-very vivid dreams (I hardly ever dream, so this was unusual for me)

-dry mouth/weird taste in mouth. The last couple days I have brushed my teeth several times throughout the day because I was so grossed out. I also have been drinking a lot of water which is unlike me because I normally have to force myself to drink water.

-cramping off and on. Mostly just feels like my stomach is tight.. regardless if I am full or not. So odd.

Now.. I just have to try to hold off on testing for at least three more days.. sigh.