Relationship Advice!!

I honestly don’t know what to do. I’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost 6 months and i just don’t think we are good for eachother. If I catch him in a lie instead of communicating with me he cries. Anytime we get into a fight he cries. But it’s confusing because he has no reason to be crying and on top of it he’s 24 (I’m 20) !! He shouldn’t be crying because I caught him lying or anything like that. I get men have emotions and can express them but sometimes I feel as though he’s crying to make me feel guilty. I don’t mean just a little cry I mean HYSTERICAL to the point I can’t even understand what he is saying. Another example is I asked him to drive me to my friends house who lived an hour a way and at first he said yes than later on he tells me I don’t appreciate him because he’s taking me to her house. It Wasn’t like I asked him to drop me off I said he can stay with us since her boyfriends is going to be there as well.

I have depression and bpd so sometimes I’m just not down to have sex and I explained everything to him and I thought he understood it. But he’ll say thinks like “you don’t like me” or “you never want to want to do things when I’m horny” it makes me feel like shit because I can’t help it if I get repulsed by it sometimes or I’m just not in the mood. I try my best to to keep our sex life active but his little compliments turn me off as well. Like the other day I get to his house and I’m walking in and he goes “can you give me head” I said no and walked away. Not because i didn’t want to it was just the fact he didn’t even greet me and just says that. Half of the time he can’t give me a compliment without his hands all over me. I don’t feel like he’s genuine with them. He doesn’t know that intimacy isn’t just about sex. I had to explain that to him. He can’t just lay down and watch a movie or cuddle with me or just simply kiss me without wanting sex.

I think most of it is that I matured faster than him. He gets mad over the littlest things. One day we swam all day and I was tired from being in the sun like any other person and i was on my phone watching tik toks trying to wind down and he says “ I just expected more from you” I feel like he was hitting at sex. He never communicate with me so most of the problems we have have no solution.

We argued the other day and insult him talking to me and making up he JACKED OFF next to me. I just wanted to cry. It’s all about sex to him. It just ruins the relationship I feel like. We can have sex and still have a good relationship but he just consumed in it. It’s not passionate. It’s not romantic. It’s just sex. He doesn’t see that. He sees our relationship as perfect. I tried to leave him once and he ended up in the hospital. I feel TRAPPED.