When Cocomelon Is Life



11 months and going through a ROUGH sleep regression. Crawling, surfing, standing like a mad woman. No Mama & Dada regularly, no pointing, but we’re clapping and doing a lot of trying to repeat. Down to 2.5 bottles of formula a day and 1 at night. 4 teeth! Top 2 just came in.

How about you?

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11 Months today! Went through the sleep regression early and now I’m trying to re-sleep train him. It’s going terribly. No pointing but says mama all the time!


arden • Jul 6, 2021
You might! It took us about a week and he’s finally getting the hand of it again 😴


Na • Jul 6, 2021
So sweet! I can’t wait until she says Mama. Omg am I going to have to RE - sleep train? LOL


Posted at
Omg we’re going through probably the worst sleep regression yet! So glad I’m not the only one 🥴 we’ve got two bottom teeth, but no top ones yet, crawling all over and pulling himself up on EVERYTHING, and practicing walking! He’s got short distances down pretty good actually, any day now I’m pretty sure he’s just going to run across the house 😂


Na • Jul 5, 2021
It’s seriously the WORST YET! Same same with the pulling up ha ♥️ he’s so stinking cute!


Posted at
He will be 11 months on the 7th. Went through a sleep regression a couple weeks ago but so much better now. He has 8 teeth. He will clap and try to talk to us but no pointing or waving yet. Dosent always respond to his name but will respond when we call him bug 🤦‍♀️ guess that's our fault. Working on taking things out but still not putting objects back in or stacking blocks. Crawling all over the place and pulling himself up and walks with support but no signs of wanting todo it on his own yet.


Na • Jul 5, 2021
Bug is such a cute nickname ❤️ no signs of wanting to walk alone here either!