some reassurance please

hey ladies i’m needing a little bit of reassurance please and i need to know i’m not the only one that feels like this!!!

i had my first baby over a year ago but ever since she was born ive had this massive urge to have another baby, like literally yearning for another baby! me and my partner don’t use protection, we aren’t trying but we aren’t preventing either, he said he would love another baby but just not yet, i get massively depressed and heartbroken every time my period shows and i take it out on my partner every month and i know i shouldn’t but it’s really not a nice feeling at all, the jealousy that goes through me when i see a friends pregnancy post or get massively broody with other people’s baby and stray crying and have to pass them back, it is awful and i feel like i shouldn’t be that selfish!! i’m not sure where i’m going with this post but i feel as tho i shouldn’t feel like this when i have a little girl already and there’s people out there that struggle to even conceive at all!! so why am i yearning for baby number 2 so much!! do i need to speak to someone about this?? because i’m really not sure how much longer i can keep on going like this for, it’s the first thing i think of when i wake up on a morning and the last thing i think about when i go to sleep! me and my partner talk a lot about it but i just get so upset about it, ive always wanted my children close in age and i just feel as tho that’s never going to happen to me😢 i look at my little girl and cry because i just know she’d be the bestest big sister ever😩

do you ever get over wanting another baby or am i going to be stuck feeling like this until the time comes??😭😭