7 month old delaye?

Maude • •👼🏼C 💙•H🌈•B🐻

She’s 6 months adjusted but I’m noticing that I think she’s behind. I’ve heard a lot of preemies are behind until 1 then they start to catch up, but I’m curious. My baby was born 6 weeks early. She still can’t sit on her own and needs lots of support, and we even got her a chair to help her. And she can’t grab things. If I put anything in her hands it just falls and she doesn’t know how to pick anything up on her own or hold anything. I didn’t really realize until 6 months because I really wanted to baby led wean her but she’s not meeting the requirements. She also can barely roll over. We do tummy time and she won’t and if she rolls on her stomach she won’t roll back she just cries until we get her. I don’t know what to do to help, but I’m also a first time mom and not knowing if this is normal. She’s pretty small for her age. A petite girl. She has strong legs and loves to stand up with our help or be in the jumper, any tips to help her…